*drumroll entrance for myself* Hey everyone! I'm kind of thinking of how I can word things as I go as to not sound too repetitive considering how the last few posts started off something like "Sorry, been super busy" "Haven't posted in forever" so I'll be super special today and not start off that way. Instead, I will tell everyone about my speculations with Kracie's "Cupcake"
Yeah...... Do NOT be fooled by the picture. I looked up the tutorial because I'm too lazy to read all the Japanese and trying to figure out what it meant. (Plus, I didn't realize there were instructions the first time ._. )
So speaking about the tutorial. I always watch videos by RRcherrypie on YouTube. You guys should probably check his videos out, they're super cool. I have no idea how he does anything though. The tutorial I followed was for the exact same product:
RRcherrypie, you are my master and I am your disciple.
I could only wish that I make little trinkets as nice as you do ahaha
So who's ready for my end product?
Well.... shit me. Looks 0% similar to what the box shows. ahaha I had fun though, so I guess it wasn't that bad. It didn't actually taste that bad either (Y) I'm still eating the leftover sprinkles ._.
Before I "nyappy" you guys again today, I'm just going to say I'll be making another post right after this. I just didn't want to put too much in one post (you'll see that this sentence will be very contradictory once you see the next post ehehe).
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