
Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Mimi Cafe Series Contact Lens

Hey everyone. So I got another pair of cons from my friend two days ago. I had ordered it from her before the winter holiday and I managed to get it yesterday. The one I got is Macchiato from the Mimi Cafe Series

So this is the series and

...these are the ones I have. I'm still wearing them right now and I've had these in since 6:30am. I know that's probably super bad for me but my eyes aren't the type to be bothered by contacts. I've never even experienced dry eyes before (hm...maybe I have and didn't realize? Not likely though) Well, these ones have been in for 15 hours and they still feel totally fine but speaking of which, I should probably take them off sometime soon ahaha

 So this is what the lens looks like when it's not on. (15mm) I actually think it looks so cool. The pattern is really pretty. Too bad it's not that noticable on the eye actual eye though.

And this is what it looks like on my eye.... Sorry for the creepy closeup but its for the picture's sake. This was the best photo I could take and it was in the room with the most natural lighting too (my bathroom ahaha)

I decided to pick these lens because the other two that I have are pretty light coloured. One is Vivian: Pineapple Series (the picture I'm showing is the grey one but that's because I couldn't find a big enough picture for purple)

And the other one I have is ....

Queenie Super Angel Brown. I felt like these two were really bold and very in-your-face so I decided to back down with a natural, dark brown. (Didn't turn out as natural as I thought though because of the black ring on the outside) At least the Mimi Cafe's aren't 17.2mm like the two that I already have.

Comparing the three, I would put them in these orders
1) Queenie (Too use to these ones to completely stop using them. They're super comfy)
2) Mimi (surprisngly good. Natural. Comfortable)
3) Vivian (Vivian being last because of how uncomfortable they are)


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