So the cocktail shrimp was the dish that I brought and the fruit salad was the one that my other friend brought. Omnomnom my food highlights of the night. I swear this was practically all that I ate that night. Maybe these two things and a few strips of chicken xD So moving onto the funny story, coincidentally, my friend's tv was broken so we couldn't watch the countdown live on tv so at around 11:56 we were scrambling online to look for a livestream (which we couldn't find either). So turns out we found some random video of a New Years Countdown from a few years ago (not sure which) and we waited until 11:59 to play the video and we had our own little countdown ahaha.
You know what's even more sad. One of the first comments made in the new year (after the countdown) was "Damn, we'll all be forever alone." and instantaneously I thought of the meme ;_;
So let me tell everyone the story about this seagull. I've seen this seagull for the longest time outside the restaurant that I love to eat at. It sits on this van that delivers seafood to this seafood store and every so often, the owners would come out and give it some leftover fish to eat. Why? Well where I live, I'm pretty sure we have a problem with the overpopulation of seagulls and crows. They're all super fat and huge because they eat all of our garbage and leftover food. So to have this giant seagull sit here and wait instead of fighting and bothering people for food, well that's pretty amazing. (Y) to you, seagull. (We should really give him a name ahaha)
I think I have officially found my dream camera. Still not too sure if the pink is nicer or if white is nicer (both look pretty sexy to me). It's the Nikon J1. I want to get this for sure after I invest in a new phone. My current one screwed up but that's a story for another time. Reasons why I want this camera?
1) It's a Nikon. For those who don't know me, I prefer Nikon cameras over any other brand. I feel like they're so versatile and can do almost anything as long as you have the right model and lens.
2) It's so cute. Isn't it? My god, the casing is absolutely adorable. I think I'm falling for the pink more now actually
3) This has interchangeable lens meaning I (probably) don't have to stick with the crap 10.1MP that it comes with. I just hope there's a better lens for this. Even the old camera I keep in my purse all the time (which is a Canon .___. ) has 14.1MP. At the store I saw this one at, it was on sale iirc for $599.99 CAD. Yes, surprisingly expensive for this type of camera but I think it's totally worth it *cough*mainlybecauseofthebody*cough*
So sorry for the super bad lighting (like always). I just always seem to have really bad lighting in my house. To explain this mousepad, my mom saw my cat one and tried to steal it from me ahaha so I told her that I could get another one for her. I went back to the store but they only had this one left, unfortunately but we got it anyway. The colour is actually a very nice shade of yellow. It just looks all faded here because of the lighting. Lets see if I can find the accurate colour. So yeah, this is closer to how it's supposed to look. Not too sure how well that shows up here.
Anyway, this was a pretty long post comparatively to my other ones. My next post SHOULD be a review. I might even do that now actually. Depends on what time it is and how much help my parents need around the house ahaha. We actually have a house guest right now and we're trying to accommodate her so yeah.
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