
Thursday, 12 April 2012

Blogger Challenge: Bucket List

So just a while back, I was reading my friend's blog and she had this thing called a "Bucket List". Basically, it's a list of all the things you dream of doing before you die. It's meant to be a reminder to yourself that you should always live in the moment. Do something that you will look back on and be proud of

1.) Fall in love and get married - ahaha funny how this is the first thing I think about. It's just whenever I think of getting married, I feel like it's so surreal. Yes, I'm that type of person to want a really fairytale wedding but I absolutely do NOT want a lot of people at the reception and currently, I for sure do not want children. Going to work all the time makes me see the worst in children all the time. Obviously there are the good and bad things about having a kid but still, adding up all the good points doesn't outweigh all of the bad points in my opinion.

2) Learn how to play bass - I've wanted to do this for a while (up to the point where I've brought my dad into the store and had a guitar picked out and everything) but I've never actually gotten the chance to buy the guitar. It's one of my short-term goals right now so probably if I spend my money right and save up for the next 2 or 3 months, I'll be well on my way to being a completely noob bass player ;D

^^^ This is along the lines of what I wanted to get. Beautiful ain't it?

3) Become fluent in Japanese - Luckily, I'm already able to understand 75%+ of what most people are saying in Japanese. Just need to work a bit harder and not give up... watch more anime

4) Go back to Europe - I had such a great time in Europe 2 years ago. Eight days is absolutely not enough days to even process the fact that you're IN Europe let alone go through 5 different major cities. For sure, I will go back to Italy (Florence is absolutely gorgeous)

(I climbed the Duomo!) Just looking back at pictures, I can't believe I was actually there. To be honest, I hate looking at pictures of Italy and France now. I get so depressed. Even right now, it just gives me a really uncomfortable feeling. 

5) Spend more time with my Grandparents - So I am one of those lucky kids who still have all 4 of their grandparents alive and well (or I would hope so). I really love my grandparents and I know for sure that they love me back just the same. But I know how life works: you're born, you live, and then you die. So I can't just push away the fact that my grandparents are already in those later stages of their lives. I really regret not being able to be with them all the time since they live in Hong Kong so call them every day and chat. Luckily, I'm going back this summer to visit ;D (give them the good news that I'm not going to end up being what they know as "those high school drop-outs")

So this is the end of my Bucket List. Sorry if mine is a bit depressing but.... yeah. Let me know what you guys want to do in the future. I find what other people want to do pretty interesting 

(speaking of nyappy, AnCafe, the band where I got nyappy from, is having a comeback from their hiatus this summer. I'm super excited. Let's hope that "World Tour" actually includes something in Canada this time)

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