
Sunday, 18 November 2012

Pre-Christmas Things to do

Too early, no? Haha my Sunday morning well spent. Am I the only person that does this or does everyone else also put the presents that they need to give out under the tree before Christmas? The bottom of my tree is already super full (yeah, I put it all there after I took the picture)
 Nom-licious dessert at Beard Papa's. It's a french pastry called a "brest"
 Mazazu Crepe's Matcha Azuki Crepe (or w/e the name is) It really wasn't as good as people made it sound. Mostly it was just the mochi that ruinned it so maybe I'll give it another try
 Rain. Tea. Gold spray paint. Nerf Guns. I'm an awesome sister. I know exactly what to get my brother for Christmas
 New headband that I made for fun.... I was about to purchase one online for about $8 but then I realized I could probably make one myself (obviously wont be that nice but... I just saved myself $8) Can't wait for the next convention ;D

Anyway, sorry its been a short post but I really don't have much to put up. I'll try to make my life more interesting xD 


Sunday, 11 November 2012

Happy Pocky Day

 As the title suggests, Happy Pocky Day, everyone (11.11) I celebrated by eating my last box of Pocky haha. This holiday deserves to be hyped up way more. Supply and demand, everyone.
More Pocky demand = more Pocky!

Anyway, I'm sorry to say that I've been kind of in a slump. I haven't really been doing much since school started other than going to school, going to work, going to Starbucks and going to the arcade. And as much fun as I have in the arcade, I'm sure no one would appreciate posts about every time I go.

There's not much of an update in regards to makeup products... I've recently discovered I really like wearing dark red lipsticks (even though I've only done it twice and they both test runs for helping me decide if I wanted to buy a dark colour or not. The one that I've tried both times is the Sephora Collection's Rouge Cream Lipstick in Passion Red 03- Dark Rosey Red
I don't really own any Lipsticks so that's probably why I haven't bought this yet. If I get this one, it's a really big jump and I don't want to start off wearing lipstick with such a huge change so I'd probably end up buying a bunch of other ones.

I've been majorly trying to save up money the past few months (not going that well considering how my parents have completely stopped funding me for anything other than living expenses). I've already made my New Year's Resolutions (Yes, I am very early but guess what? I've been done Christmas shopping since last week too) Well anyway, the first item on my resolutions is "Get a bass". No, not bass as in Sea Bass but bass as in the guitar. I've been wanting to learn how to play the longest time and I think it's about time I've learned. With the bass and amp, it'll come to around $750CAD and that's not even including the lessons. I've got about 400 saved now and it'll take at least until February until I make any purchases.

So instead of spamming text, I'll just post a bunch of random pictures to update my life on this blog :) Hope everyone enjoys it
 This was for work (yeah, I get to cut fruit for kids at my program) Apparently, this is how I cut things in halves. Honing my housewife-ey skills. Not going so well either haha

 Jubeat. I miss playing this game online. This is what I did practically EVERY day in Hong Kong. I ranked up, unlocked a lot of songs and come back to realize that our Jubeat machines don't have the online function therefore: no ranking, no versus, no unlocked songs. QQ

 Cutest cat ever at the pet store. I've been playing with this cat ever since it got to the store (Yeah, I also work at the mall so I get to see this little buddy a lot)

 My friend's birthday dinner at The Keg. 10 oz Prime Rib with Assorted Vegetables. Could not finish x_x too full.
 Not sure how well you can see, but it's pink. Frankly, I don't think I've ever been so excited to go to the bathroom.
Kodak moment during karaoke with some friends ;) This picture just SCREAMS excitement (haha)


ps. speaking of nyappy. An Cafe is having their quote unquote "World Tour" right now. The first concert of this tour was their first concert after their 5 year hiatus? 4 year? I can't really remember. Some fan I am, eh? Well anyway, why is it that World Tour only includes Europe and Japan? The last time I checked, World Tour includes Canada as well. If it's the number of fans they're worried about, I'm sure any of the big cities in Canada would have a bigger turnout than anywhere in Finland or Moscow (not hating or anything but ... really?) Anyway I want to manage to finish this post before 12:00 so I'll talk to everyone again soon