I honestly don't get those people that say Valentines Day is just commercialized crap and it's an excuse for companies to make more money. So what if it is? It's called marketing. Plus, if commercialized crap was really crap, why does it still exist today? People obviously buy into the whole holiday.
So to celebrate my Valentines, I made chocolate for all of my friends. (I'm very upset at myself for not taking pictures considering how I take pictures of everything). I basically took white chocolate, melted it into molds and then re-hardened them in the fridge ahaha not really "making" the chocolate. I also bought the new pink chiffon bag from Bath and Body Works. tbh it's just sitting on my desk right now untouched. I have no idea what to use it for but I'll find a use for it .... ahaha makeup bag....? I don't really take my makeup out though so I have no idea
So how many people have heard about Body Shop's new collection line, Chocomania?
I was actually soooooo excited for it. I like things that smell like chocolate, not so much eating though. So today, I went in with the intent of buying the 200mL Chocomania body butter (thank god I didn't) I smelled the tester and it wasn't too bad. Seemed pretty decent but then I was like hmm maybe I should just get the 50mL one.... because I already have a 200mL body butter I didn't finish. So I got the smaller one. Regret this purchase so much. It smells... terrible ;___;
1. Doesn't really smell like chocolate. Yeah there's hints of it but not a lot
2. Smells like chemicals. Pretty self-explanatory. -gag-
Texture-wise, I'm not too sure how this one is since I haven't tried it. On the jar it says 48h feel good hydration (which leads me to thinking ... who needs 48 hour hydration, don't most people shower at least once within 24 hours?) Hopefully, the texture will be much more impressive than the smell. My legs are in need of a good hydration.
--------- thinking of any new products that I've gotten since the last post---------
OH thought of one ;D
For those who have never tried it, I totally recommend it.